Welcome to Legally Wise Women

The best alternative to having that legal team you know you need (but can’t afford)

Do no harm, but take no shit

If you're facing a conflict, learn to confidently take control of the outcome ...

....without spending ten's of thousand's of dollars on legal expenses,

... without the decision being taken out of your hands and taking months in the legal system, and

... without any shame or embarrassment, or fear of making a mistake.

Why You Should Join Us

We want you to get five key things from Legally Wise Women:

  • Knowing when you have a legal right or obligation, and being able to recognise when a problem or conflict is a legal conflict and when a legal solution is available. 
  • Learning how and where to find relevant legal information yourself, for free.

  • Discovering how to obtain suitable legal assistance that won't cost you an arm and a legal. 

  • Understanding your own conflict style, and a number of negotiation processes, so that you can negotiate for what you want.

  • Having confidence in dealing with the legal system, to express what you want, and being on an equal footing in a system that is usually biased against women.

A quick preview


About Us

Founded by an award-winning lawyer with insider knowledge of the legal industry, Legally Wise Women addresses injustices women face dealing with legal issues. Together we will define the new rules of an equal world so that we can have better control over outcomes in our lives, negotiate and communicate what we need successfully, and help empower more women to equality through knowledge.

Jacqui Brauman is that industry-insider - she's a lawyer, a Law Institute Accredited Specialist, the principal solicitor at TBA Law, collaboratively trained in dispute resolution, and an NMAS accredited mediator. 

Check out her 'why':


A Big Thanks

By increasing your own knowledge, and sharing your experiences with other women, you will be helping to empower more women into equality through knowledge.